About DA

quote To Make This World Better, Men and Women Must Grow Together


Development Alternatives (DA) is a premier social enterprise with a global presence in the fields of green economic development, social empowerment and environmental management. It is credited with numerous innovations in clean technology and delivery systems that help create sustainable livelihoods in the developing world. DA focuses on empowering communities through strengthening people’s institutions and facilitating their access to basic needs; enabling economic opportunities through skill development for green jobs and enterprise creation; and promoting low carbon pathways for development through natural resource management models and clean technology solutions.



DA's mission is to help eliminate poverty and regenerate the environmental resource base through methods that are highly scalable. Its activities broadly cover three primary areas that underlie any sustainable development process: the design and large scale dissemination of appropriate technologies, rational environmental management systems, and equitable people-oriented institutions and policies. The DA Group innovates such eco-solutions to help meet the basic needs of all and works with partners, including government bodies, local entrepreneurs and civil society to market these in a commercially viable and an environmentally friendly manner to an ever-growing body of consumers.