In a world where, on one hand, some individuals have managed to reach the moon and back, there are millions who still struggle to spell ‘moon’. This highlights the grim reality of the innumerable parallel worlds that people live in.
The perils of slow human development are comparatively much more for women due to predefined gender roles set by our patriarchal society that have pulled them back from fully utilizing their potential for centuries now. Additionally, the lack of basic education makes women more vulnerable to exploitation of many kinds.
TARA Akshar+, an initiative of Development Alternatives (DA), is a miracle program which aims to promote literacy among rural and peri-urban women and thereby unlocking their potentials.
Illiteracy is a social disease that needs attention. The current state of literacy for girls and women in rural areas in India is very grim. Through TARA Akshar+, we aim to impart foundational literacy to rural and peri-urban women and cultivate a future where gender does not determine one’s ability to read & write and give themselves a dignified life.
women by 2030
Unequal social relations, lack of education and exposure instil a negative, passive and suppressed self-image onto the woman, who must then, develop a perspective to recognize that it can be turned around.
We situate the initial footsteps of this empowering journey, in providing literacy to these marginalized women followed by post literacy sessions and in doing so move towards newer possibilities.
In learning to read and write, women come to a new awareness of selfhood and begin to look critically at situations in which they find themselves, taking the initiative to transform oneself and the society that has restricted the opportunity of participation.
We are proud to be working with proactive, passionate individuals who are raising funds for rural women and have become a voice of change in their circles. Our first cohort of Changemakers, as we call them, received online training to learn how to get others involved in their cause and make a greater impact to help eradicate illiteracy in India. The changemakers are not only transforming just lives but also generations!